Here I am creating renderURL only.Other URL's can be created in the similar way
In JSP :
<portlet:renderURL var="renderURL ">
<portlet:param name="param-name" value="param-value" />
<portlet:param name="param-name" value="param-value" />
PortletURL renderURL = renderResponse.createRenderURL();
renderURL.setParameter("param-name", "param-value");
renderURL.setParameter("param-name", "param-value");
In the above example param-name could be "jspPage" and param-value could be "/html/edit.jsp" if you want to navigate from current jsp page to some other jsp page (in this case edit.jsp) . We can set other parameters also as per our requirements.
Inside your javascript :
<script type="text/javascript">
function createRenderURL() {
AUI().ready('liferay-portlet-url', function(A) {
var renderURL = Liferay.PortletURL.createRenderURL();
renderURL .setParameter("param-name","param-value");
renderURL .setPortletId("your-unique-portlet-id");
renderURL .setPortletMode("view");
renderURL .setWindowState("normal");
// i.e. your-unique-portlet-id can be like "helloworld_WAR_helloworldportlet"
Note: Key point here is to set PortletId which is mandatory or else it would not be able to recognize the correct URL.
I want to link two jsps. First is the view.jsp. On a button click on this page, a new jsp page functions.jsp should open. How do I do that?
Can you give me a step wise explanation of the same?
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